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Request for Quotation

Kindly fill up the quotation form below

Company Name:
Company Address:
Estimated number of Principals:
Estimated number of Dependents:
Email Address:
Contact Number:
For Consultation/Lab inquiries, LOA request and follow ups please contact our 24/7 hotline 8702-3310 or Viber #: 0917-8862892 / 0917-7932273

Minimum of 20 enrollees to qualify for a corporate account

From 18 years to below 60 years old

For MARRIED Employees
1st Priority - Legal Spouse from 18 years to 60 years old;
2nd Priority - Eldest to youngest child 90 days to not over 21 years old; single and unemployed.

For SINGLE Employees
1st Priority - Father up to below 60 years old;
2nd Priority - Mother up to below 60 years old;
3rd Priority - Brothers/Sisters 90 days to not over 21 years old; single and unemployed.
